Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Reflection and Small Group Discussion Summary

The first small group discussion

                        In this small group discussion we talked about the topic of popular culture within Japanese culture. I discussed what my personal experiences were with Japanese popular. I brought up that I was influenced by Pokémon and dragon ball z when I was growing up. I would come home and watch both of these shows for hours. As we continued in our discussion we listened to our Swedish students discuss their experiences with Japanese popular culture. They felt that sailor moon and Pokémon also were popular in Sweden. We also discussed that Nintendo and Mario has completely taken over the video game industry. Through this discussion we felt that Japanese popular culture has influenced everyone within the group.

The second small group discussion

                        In this discussion we covered the cool Japan. We first tried to break down the words. We concluded that cool Japan was a marketing ploy. One designed to encourage tourism for Japan. We then discussed the dress that has taken over the popular culture within Japan. The group as a whole considered the fashion very controversial. The Americans within the group felt that it was very weird to their own culture. The Swedish students also took the same view on the fashion within the Japanese culture.

Reflection for discussion

            Looking back at the discussion I can say that it was very informative and a great experience. Overall we covered popular culture as a whole in the Japanese Culture. The first topic we covered was the different types of Japanese Culture that have been apart of our lives in the United States. We as a group could point to two things Nintendo and Pokémon. These two things played a significant roll in our lives as a whole growing up in the United States. The second thing we discussed is the fashion that exists within Japan. The fashion was an eye opening expiereince that has changed my view as a whole of the world. Overall I am very glad that I have taken part in this discussion. It is great to talk to people that have a complete opposite view point from you, it opens your eyes to different possibilities.


  1. I definitely agree with what you said above. I really enjoyed the small group conversations and felt that this was only beneficial to our understanding of not only japanese and swedish culture, but our own.

  2. I also agree with Kellyann, the small group discussion helped with understanding. It was such an interesting experience that I am also glad I was able to take part in.

  3. Small Group Discussions were very effective for conceptualizing Japanese cultural concepts. Your blog parallels the same concepts that we discussed in our small group discussion
